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We excel in working with major platforms such as WordPress, Drupal (Uber Cart), Joomla, Magento, MivaMerchant, osCommerce and Zen Cart.

Is rentable?

Alreadly having a good and tested way to monetize the traffic, absolutely yes. But SEO has to be considered as a long term investment. A lot of times we have been working several years our client keywords, until they finally get on the top.

It begings to be rentable much sooner, since during that kind of project que simultáneously fight for smaller and less competitive keywords in order to start generating traffic to the site. Both for the client to start perceiving some results and for the site start earning reputation before reaching the top in the main kewords.

Most of the time we manage to be rentable from the first contract, but if you have ever done SEM (paid traffic campaigns, paid promotions) before, we advise not expecting the same instantaneous and off/on effect of visibility and ROI at the beginning. 

But, in the long term, when the organic results from SEO start to work and begin to accumulate, you will begin to have a exposure and reach-visitors absurd compared to your SEO maintenance costs. costs per impact that your SEM traffic paying competitor could only bream off.  But even if he assumes to pay much more thann you for having the same visibility, he still won't be able to compete with you, since your traffic / audicence which be of much better quality. And he won't be able to have that.

To sum up: SEO is rentable.
At the beggining gives a low/mediocre rentability for your investment, but we usually get to be profitable from the fist. 

And in the long run it will give you a rentability that will hardly hardly be beaten by hardly see on anaything   

(not really so long, 2 years is 

What exactly is web development?

How long does it take to see results from SEO efforts?

How long does it take to see results from SEO efforts?

It depends a lot on your niche and the difficulty of he keywords you choose, but i know that you want an answer. 6-12 monts. At 6 you will start seeing results . At 12 the amount of money they generate will probable be low, but stop being irrelevant. At about 24 4months/2 years is when the majority of projects start to feel that it begings to catch 

Does local business really need SEO?

Absolutely. Local SEO is vital for small businesses to attract nearby customers. Optimizing for local search helps your business appear in local map listings and local search results, driving foot traffic and enhancing your community presence.

A lot of small businesses think that being small and being interested in local market only, they don't need to invest in SEO. But that is exactly when SEO would be even more efficint than normal.

With low competence and local presence, we could dominate his preferred keywords fast and easy, and he will be. In a scenario like that, every good he might have enough with just a few months of SEO, and he will remain leader without mainteance

What exactly is web development?

Can SEO help in building a community around my brand?

What exactly is web development?

Web development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex.

What exactly is web development?

Web development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex.

What does a website development company do?

Web development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex.

Can I develop a website myself?

Web development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex.

What does an SEO company report look like?

Web development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex.

What is SEO consulting?

Web development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex.

How does local SEO benefit businesses with physical locations?

Local SEO is a game-changer for businesses with physical locations. It ensures your business appears in local searches, Google Maps, and local directories, making it easy for nearby customers to find you. This increased visibility translates to more foot traffic and local customer engagement.

What Is international SEO?

Web development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex.

What should I ask an SEO firm?

Web development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex.

How much does SEO cost?

Can SEO benefit e-commerce businesses specifically?

What does an international SEO consultant do?

Web development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex.